Bar-Lev line - vertaling naar Engels
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Bar-Lev line - vertaling naar Engels

Bar-Lev Line; Battle of the bar lev line; קו בר לב; Kav Bar Lev; خط برليف; Khaṭṭ Barlīf; Bar Lev line
  • Maps showing the Egyptian offensive and the Israeli counter-offensive on the Suez front. The Bar Lev Line forts are marked on the first map.
  • Bar-Lev Line
  • Egyptian forces crossing the [[Suez Canal]]
  • Israeli flag flown at Bar Lev Line Fort Budapest throughout the [[Yom Kippur War]]
  • Egyptian vehicles crossing the Suez Canal in the Sinai
  • Haim Bar Lev, seated center, 17th October 1973
  • Budapest fortress January 1973

Bar-Lev line         
Linea de Bar-Lev (alineación de asentamientos que se construyó en Sinaí después de la Guerra de los Seis Días en Israel en 1967)
double bar         
  • Fifteen-bar [[multirest]]
Bar line; Measure (music); Hypermeasure; Measure-group; Barline; Bar-line; Double bar; 𝄀; 𝄁; 𝄂; 𝄃; 𝄄; 𝄅; Barlines; Musical measure; Musical bar
{en música:} doble barra, línea doble
Lev Yashin         
  • Commemorative coin issued in 2008 by the [[Central Bank of Armenia]]
  • Kahn]]’s (right) in the [[San Siro]] museum
  • Yashin in 1960
  • Bronze statue of Yashin in [[Rio de Janeiro]], Brazil
  • Yashin on a 2016 Russian stamp from the series "Football Legends"
Lev Ivanovich Yashin; Lew Jashin; Lav Jašin; Lev Jašin; World-Keeper of the Century; Yev lashin; Лев Ива́нович Я́шин; Lev Jasin; Lav Jasin; Lev yashin; Lev ivanovich yashin
Lev Yashim (arquero de fútbol soviético)


sust. masc. fig. fam.
Persona mala, traviesa, díscola.


Bar Lev Line

The Bar Lev Line (Hebrew: קו בר לב, Kav Bar Lev; Arabic: خط بارليف, Khaṭṭ Barlīf) was a chain of fortifications built by Israel along the eastern bank of the Suez Canal after it occupied the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt during the 1967 Six-Day War. It was considered impenetrable by the Israelis until it was overrun in 1973 by the Egyptian military during Operation Badr.

Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Bar-Lev line
1. Yisrael Tal had serious reservations over chief of staff Haim Bar–Lev‘s defensive strategy in the Sinai Peninsula, the same approach that crystallized into what became known as the "Bar–Lev line" that collapsed in 1'73.
2. Advertisement The fundamental problem posed by this affair is the evident desire of Dichter and Cohen to break the Bar–Lev line, which embodies a businesslike approach, professional skill and both military and police experience in the field.
3. Israelis still remember the wretched oversight of the Bar Lev Line of military fortifications, and had it not been for the media, the state would never have discovered the abuse of elderly patients in private hospitals for the mentally ill.
4. The long list of military reverses includes the Tel Mutila and Al–Hama battles in the early 1'50s, the crushing of the Bar–Lev Line in 1'73, and the Sultan Yacoub entanglement in 1'82.
5. The court‘s intervention in this special case, despite its understandable reluctance to "run the police" as a rule, would help to uphold the Bar–Lev line as a barrier to arbitrariness, both in the police and in the civil service as a whole.